Drug Vibes is a websurvey, organised on a regular basis in Belgium,
investigating patterns of drug use among people who use drugs.
Participants are questioned on their socio-demographic profile and the last time they use different drugs.
When they use one of the targeted substances in the last month, they are then questioned in more details about these drugs.
Questions might change over time and sometimes opinions are also asked about some specific drug-related topics.
Participants are mainly recruited through ads on Facebook or Instagram and therefore constitute a convenient sample
meaning that they do not represent the whole population of people who use drugs.
This survey is organized by in collaboration with
This dashboard allows to investigate the results from the waves 2022 and 2023
The topics investigated are classified in different tabs :
The sample tab describes the characteristics of the population who answered the survey
The substances used tab indicates the last month, last year and ever use of specific substances
The Mental Health tab investigates the level of depression and anxiety of the population
The cannabis tab, cocaine tab, ecstasy tab, amphetamines tab,and ketamine tab describe the profile of use of these specific drugs
The cannabis (self-medication use) tab integrate some elements about this specific use of cannabis
In each tab you can choose to visualise data in a graphic view or in table view.
Further more the table view allows you also to dowload the data in Excel (full dataset or specific selection)
For every graph you can save it as a picture, print it or display the data behind by using this button
You can choose to compare or filter the data based on region, age group, sex or year of the survey and sometimes substance.
Be careful ! when comparing groups or selecting subcategories of people, the sample size can become very small. These small sample size groups (<50) are not displayed in the graphs but are still visible in the tables. Be careful when interpreting results from small groups.
For a more complete description of the indicators and methodology, you can consult this document (to come...).
The Drug Vibes page of the Sciensano website is providing a more complete description of the project.